Thursday 20 August 2009

Back on radar

It has been a while since my last post, I fell off the radar for a while for a variety of reasons: work being the primary one, and procrastination the second. Well maybe a close second. I've also been travelling, doing my "big" UK trip. More about that in another post.

On the food front, I've definitely kept myself occupied attending the London food festival, meeting Tristan Welch in person (he is a lot smaller than I thought, but terribly friendly), meeting Michel Roux in person (!!! speechless!), and celebrated my birthday at Maze, one of Gordon Ramsay's many restaurants. Nope didn't get to meet GR. A previous birthday goer mentioned in a restaurant review website that she and her hubby were lucky enough to be invited to the kitchen for a tour. No such luck for me despite that I was there for a double birthday celebration (and I thought that would have at least counted!). I was lucky enough to get away with a free slice of birthday cake and the chef's menu for the night... Un-autographed! Bah!

In any case it has been an eventful time, and I have also been making plans for next year. Also more on that later. But for now, this post is just me saying I'm back on the radar. Stay tuned!